In Memoriam: Yoshiomi Inoue Sensei

Dear TAA Members,

With deep sadness, I wish to inform you of the death of Yoshiomi Inoue Sensei who passed away over the weekend after a long battle with cancer.  For those of you who were at the 2019 World Aikido Championship at Mesa College, you will recall that he taught one of the seminars.  I have known Inoue Sensei for almost 50 years, as he was one of Shishida Sensei’s high school students and started studying aikido in the mid-1970s while I was there.  Inoue Sensei was also one of my students at the Shinjuku Sports Aikido Club in the 1980s.  

He will be deeply missed.

In sadness,

Bob Dziubla Shihan



