Hosting Dojo

Mesa College Tomiki Aikido


San Diego Mesa College
7250 Mesa College Dr, San Diego, CA
Room L-102 (dance studio across from main gym)


$50 (to be used to support Mesa College Tomiki Aikido Club College students to attend trainings/tournaments). Students are free.


Robert Dziubla

Register Ahead

Please register here.


Black belts only clinic6pm – 8pm
Welcome, bow-in, warm-up and review / discussion of: (a) the Three and Six providing the theoretical base and pedagogical framework for Tomiki Aikido, and (b) the Color Code of Mental Awareness. (Bob Dziubla to lead)9am – 10am
Atemi-waza (beginners)
Atemi-waza vs. grabs from aigamae grab (blue belt material)
10am – 10:45am
Break10:45am – 11am
Tsukuri vs. stationary and jumping partner (beginners)
Atemi-waza vs. grabs from gyakugamae grab (blue belt material)
11–12 noon
Lunch12noon – 1pm
Taisabaki and tegatana taisabaki training, with explanation of how the 3 & 6 permeate this training (Greg Linden to lead)1pm -1:30pm
Novice randori training in a tournament setting / judge training / scorekeeper training.  Novices with little or no tournament experience will play either kakari-geiko or hikitate.  When not on the mats, they will be training as time-keepers and score-keepers.  Senior belts will be training as judges.1:30pm – 2:30pm
Break2:30pm – 2:45pm
Demonstration of junanahon vs. open hand and vs. knife (explaining the two techniques that are different).2:45pm – 3:15pm
Novice kata training in a tournament (# of judges, placement on mat, judging criteria (3&6), how to enter the mats, etc.).  Senior players will role play as judges, and beginners will role play as competitors.3:15pm – 3:45pm
Training exercises (beginners)
Juppon urawaza (the 10 counters – brown belt material)
3:45pm – 4:45pm
Warm down and bow out4:45pm – 5pm
Bow in and warm up.  Review of yesterday’s training.  3 and 6; Color code of mental awareness9am – 9:45am
Games9:45am – 10:45am
Break10:45am – 11am
Nanahon nage no kata (green belt material)11am – 12 noon
Lunch12noon – 1pm
Tegatana taisabaki training followed by more novice randori and judge training1pm – 2pm
Work on falls, including “floating leaf” and flyers; shikko (beginners)
Junte dori and gyakute dori (i.e., the “grab and stabs”)(brown belt material)
2pm – 2:45pm
Break2:45pm – 3pm
Kime training, top and backside of wrist3pm – 3:15pm
Continued tegatana taisabaki training, taking the slack out of techniques and ratcheting (Warren to lead)3:15pm – 4pm
Ninin dori training (brown belt material), explaining the importance of situational awareness and how you use your attackers’ bodies as shields / obstacles4pm – 4:45pm
Warm down, bow out4:45pm – 5pm



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